Pregnancy tests are an accurate and simple way to determine pregnancy by simply peeing on a stick. They are affordable and widely available in pharmacies and supermarkets. Some women rely on online pregnancy quizzes to check if there is a high chance of pregnancy.
The Pregnancy Test Quiz app calculates the pregnancy probability of its users based on early pregnancy symptoms. The app also includes information about its users’ menstrual and fertile periods.
Learn more about the Pregnancy Test Quiz app and its features in this article. Discover how to check pregnancy probability on the Pregnancy Test Quiz app.
- What Is a Pregnancy Test
- What Is a Pregnancy Test Quiz
- How to Install the Pregnancy Test Quiz App
- How Is Pregnancy Probability Calculated on the Pregnancy Test Quiz App
- What Is the Fertility Test on the Pregnancy Test Quiz App
- What Are the Possible Results of the Pregnancy Test on the Pregnancy Test Quiz App
What Is a Pregnancy Test?
Pregnancy tests detect the presence of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin in urine (HCG). The human body exclusively produces this hormone during pregnancy. HCG is secreted when a fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining, signaling the beginning of pregnancy.

If the pregnancy test results are positive, the woman is pregnant. Negative results indicate that they are not pregnant.
If someone misses their period or suspect they might be pregnant, taking a pregnancy test as soon as possible is advisable. The sooner women learn about their pregnancy, the sooner they can consider their options and receive any necessary care to maintain their health.
Are Pregnancy Tests Accurate?
When appropriately utilized, pregnancy tests are incredibly accurate. The pregnancy tests available at pharmacies are effective 99 times out of 100. They are as precise as a urine pregnancy test administered in a physician’s office.
Many pregnancy tests claim to function a few days before the missing period, but the findings are typically less accurate at this time. Learn when to take a pregnancy test and how accurate it will be by consulting the label on the pregnancy test.
Pregnancy hormones can sometimes be detected in the urine as early as ten days after unprotected sex. However, these results are not entirely trustworthy, and women may receive a false positive or false negative.
What Is a Pregnancy Test Quiz?
Some women do not immediately proceed to take a pregnancy quiz; instead, they rely on online quizzes regarding pregnancy. These quizzes usually ask things related to early signs and symptoms of pregnancy.

It might serve as a checklist for women before taking an actual pregnancy test if they want to be somehow sure of the pregnancy. The quizzes wish the women to indicate whether they missed their period and how many days have passed already.
Some quizzes also question the last sexual intercourse as it might indicate pregnancy. Moreover, they ask about the common symptoms, including upset stomach, nausea, energy level, pee frequency, breasts, and nipples.
What Is the Pregnancy Test Quiz App?
Pregnancy Test Quiz is an app that uses a series of questions based on various pregnancy symptoms to determine whether the user is pregnant.
In addition to a comprehensive pregnancy calculator, the app contains several sections with essential information regarding early pregnancy symptoms. Users may discover articles on various home pregnancy tests, pregnancy recommendations, and tips.
The Pregnancy Test Quiz app also provides information about the phases of pregnancy, initial signs of pregnancy, adolescent pregnancy, etc. The app will be a go-to tool for women suspecting their pregnancy or whenever they simply want to know more about the early symptoms of pregnancy.
How to Install the Pregnancy Test Quiz App
Reticode, the app’s developer, understands that many women want to know their chances of pregnancy before taking an actual pregnancy test. Thus, women rely on online pregnancy test quizzes on various websites.

To make a pregnancy test quiz more accessible and reliable, Reticode designed the Pregnancy Test Quiz app. It contains common questions about early pregnancy symptoms. The app added relevant information about pregnancy and pregnancy tests.
The Pregnancy Test Quiz app is exclusive to iOS devices, so it is only available on the Apple App Store. The Pregnancy Test Quiz app is generally free, but there is an option to remove the ads by making a one-time purchase of $0.99.
Women can install the Pregnancy Test Quiz app on their iOS devices, whether iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. The Pregnancy Test Quiz app only requires the operating system to be at least iOS 12.2.
Is the Pregnancy Test Quiz App Accurate?
The developers clarified that the Pregnancy Test Quiz app is just informative and for educational purposes only. App users should remember that the Pregnancy Test Quiz app does not provide exact findings.
Although the results provided by the app are based on studies regarding early symptoms of pregnancy, taking an actual pregnancy test is still recommended. Pregnancy tests are available at a pharmacy, a drugstore, a grocery store, and some dollar convenience stores.
At some health centers, people can sometimes get a free pregnancy test. Moreover, the app developers recommend that its users consult a physician if suspecting pregnancy based on the results gained from the quiz on the app.
How Is Pregnancy Probability Calculated on the Pregnancy Test Quiz App?
The primary feature of the Pregnancy Test Quiz app is its pregnancy test. Unlike an actual pregnancy test that will indicate whether someone is pregnant or not, the Pregnancy Test Quiz app only measures the probability of pregnancy.

There are two parts of the pregnancy test on the Pregnancy Test Quiz app. The first part is the typical pregnancy test quiz, in which the users must answer several questions. These questions are the common signs and symptoms of early pregnancy.
The questions cover the changes in physical and emotional aspects of the women. If they experience the typical morning sickness, upset stomach, or changes in their breasts and nipples recently. The app advises users to be mindful of these possible changes or signs in their bodies.
Moreover, the Pregnancy Test Quiz app asks about their emotional status, including mood swings. Through the quiz, women can also learn about the early signs of pregnancy, such as their energy level and pee frequency.
What Is the Second Part of the Test?
After answering all the questions required by the app, there are more details that users need to provide. These details are necessary to determine the possibility or chance of pregnancy. The app combines the quiz result and the second part of the information to calculate the pregnancy possibility.
The Pregnancy Test Quiz app asks its users to indicate their respective ages. Then, they must provide information about their menstruation, including the last menstruation date and last menstrual cycle duration.
The Pregnancy Test Quiz app provides the ovulation days, including the fertile days (days in a woman’s menstrual cycle when it is possible to get pregnant). Lastly, the app wants its users to indicate whether the user had sexual intercourse during the ovulation days or fertile window.
What Is the Fertility Test on the Pregnancy Test Quiz App?
Aside from pregnancy tests, the Pregnancy Test Quiz app also offers a fertility test. It aims to determine the window when the user will be fertile, indicating a higher chance of getting pregnant.

The fertility test is almost similar to the second part of the pregnancy test. The Pregnancy Test Quiz app asks for the last menstruation date and the last menstrual duration. The users still need to provide the information again when they take the fertility test, even though they are done with the pregnancy test.
Then, the Pregnancy Test Quiz app will calculate the next fertile period, usually three to five days. The fertile period includes ovulation day (when the egg is released). There is also an estimate of the start of the next menstrual cycle.
Is There an Alert Notification on the App?
Moreover, there is an option for the users to turn on the alert notification from the app when the next fertile period starts. This is ideal for those planning to get pregnant, so they will have a higher chance of pregnancy when they know their respective fertile period.
Aside from the fertile period, the app can also notify its users when it is the estimated start of the period.
What Are the Possible Results of the Pregnancy Test?
The Pregnancy Test Quiz app is not an actual pregnancy test. It is only a tool to help its users to understand the chances of being pregnant according to the signs and symptoms of early pregnancy and the information about their fertile period.

The Pregnancy Test Quiz app only calculates the pregnancy probability of the users based on the provided information. The app will only display results in percentage. For example, the Pregnancy Test Quiz app can show users an 80% chance of being pregnant.
If the calculated pregnancy probability is high, the Pregnancy Test Quiz app recommends that users buy a pregnancy test at the pharmacy to confirm or go to the doctor.
What Are the Things to Read on the Pregnancy Test Quiz App?
Proving that it is an educational app, the Pregnancy Test Quiz app provides tips and relevant information about pregnancy. Users may read these articles to be informed and follow the tips and reminders.
The Pregnancy Test Quiz app lets its users know the general food they need to avoid during pregnancy, as diet is vital. There are also details about the sports pregnant women can do to ensure an active and healthy lifestyle.
The app wants its users to know more about false pregnancies and what they should do about them.
The Pregnancy Test Quiz app lets its users know the probability of their pregnancy. The app uses the symptoms of early pregnancy to quiz the users. The Pregnancy Test Quiz app also utilizes the users’ fertile period and menstrual cycle details to calculate the pregnancy probability.