The best PvP games come in different shapes and sizes – swift and frantic or tense and controlled. But the best part of them all is the fact that you get to actually play against other people rather than against a computer.
These games would not be the same without a lot of people wandering around killing, maiming, and sometimes helping each other. With multiplayer games you know there are others out there making life moves at the same time as you.
Whether it’s a healer and a DPS trying to solve a finicky flanking move in Overwatch, or a tense head-to-head battle tackling terrorists in Rainbow Six Siege, it’s all made more fun in multiplayer mode.

No Man’s Sky
In the NEXT update back in 2018 for No Man’s Sky, multiplayer mode was first added, but since then, the game has had a big redesign that affects how you encounter and engage with people in the massive universe of the game.
This involves the introduction of a social space called the Space Anomaly, where you can meet approximately 32 other PC players and relax.
No Man’s Sky does not position players in the same time and location, unlike MMOs, so you won’t be finding a pal on a planet at an agreed place.
Alternatively, you would have to organize parties to meet your mates. No Man’s Sky makes tiny clusters of people who have played together before so they then become a part of your game in the form of swirling spheres.
You will complete missions together, and share the overwhelming, mysterious, and unpredictable planets in the humongous Universe of No Man’s Sky.

War Thunder
War Thunder is a multiplayer free-to-play game mostly about army vehicles smashing seven bells out of each other, whether it be in aerial dog fights, sweeping tank battles, or maritime skirmishes.
In Arcade Battles, the game draws two teams of players with vehicles from multiple countries of differing battle performance with up to 16 players on each side.
What distinguishes this war game from its rivals is its remarkably comprehensive ballistics modeling and simulation game modes.
Numerous factors can affect a 1v1 between two tanks, such as armor strength, angle of armor, composition, shell size and form.
The distance from the target can be the difference between ricocheting a shot and causing no damage or penetrating and knocking out the whole enemy crew.
The more you play, the more you start recognizing various types of vehicles, so that with a single well-placed shot you can take advantage of their fatal flaws and win the battle. I
t’s a constantly rewarding loop, and it will be a long time before you run out of new content with hundreds of vehicles to earn.

Don’t Starve Together
In this multiplayer games list, Don’t Starve Together is a tad unusual from the other games. It does not involve taking on an opposition team, but it requires a lot of coordination, crafting, constructing, and not dying – probably more important.
You and up to four other players are plunged into a sketchy Tim Burton-esque universe riddled with horrific threats and frightening monsters in this survival game.
As you struggle to live, stay fed, warm, dry, and stable, these monsters are the least of your worries. If that wasn’t challenging enough, monsters come out of the darkness every night ready to snuff out your campfire.
You’ll need to study new equipment in Don’t Starve Together to survive the shifting conditions and progress through the world, all while gathering supplies and frantically trying to not starve.
Bottom Line
In multiplayer games, it’s usually not the game that shines but rather the players. Complex gameplay and glimmering graphics only go so far in producing a multiplayer title that stands out.
It’s the players who can deliver twists and it’s their initiatives that turn the average first-person shooter or puzzler into a gladiatorial battle or co-op fight.