As much as people love exploring new games, some established games get even more fun over time. Skyrim is one of those games that never get old no matter how many times you play.
They say the success of a game is measured according to how much reception it gets in the beginning and also how much love it continues to receive over time. Skyrim is and has been one of the top world fantasy games for awhile.
It features a number of mods that help you change any aspect you don’t like. The multiplayer mode is even more interesting because you get to play with friends. We’re going to tell you more about Skyrim’s multiplayer mod next.

What is Skyrim Together Mod?
It is a multiplayer co-op mod that is made possible by the Together team, a group of loyal fans and developers. It allows you to travel across the beautiful Skyrim scenery, sharing quests, progress, and battles with your friends.
When you play this game, it means you are supporting the together team. Skyrim Together is a mod supporting about eight players in the cooperative multiplayer and is compatible with most of the mods within the Bethesda Creation kit.
The goal of this game is to create a bug-free and unaltered multiplayer experience for 2 and more players. It has several great features like nightly builds that need to be set up.
Also, you get to play with your friends hence it’s a multiplayer mod and the game is free to play.
Nightly Build
These are mod versions that are untested and automatically built when the main branch updates the game. In other words, a nightly build generally refers to the practice of completing a software build of a program’s latest version, done daily.
You will need to constantly build these to enjoy your game.
In-Game Commands
There are lots of in-game commands that you’ll use to play well. Find the commands and what they mean so you know when to press them.
- /Server time x will change server time to X, 24 hours.
- /die will instantly get you into the downed state and allows you to respawn.
- /weather will update your weather with the server.
- /respawn straightway revives you in case you are dead.
- /time (time) sets the in-game time.
- /tp (playername-no quotes) will teleport to another player who is in the same area e.g. whiterun.
- /players gives you a list of all connected players and their area name.
- /cellhost will display who is the cell host currently while
- /net sets the network conditions. You need to understand these in-game commands because they are the ones you’ll use as you play.
Team Work
When the multiplayer mod had just been made playable, your enemies would be multiplied according to the number of players available in a given location. With time, this proved to be the wrong way to do things.
Now fewer enemies to be spawned. However, they still have a significant effect on stats and so you need teamwork to take them down. To take down enemies, teamwork is paramount.
Play With Friends You Know
Since this game has console commands enabled, this makes public servers a greater hustle. To avoid this challenging task of dealing with public servers, you are better off sticking to private servers with friends you know and trust.
With that, these friends cannot make themselves unbeatable during an impromptu player Vs player match.

Bottom Line
New games are coming out all the time, but oldies are goodies as they say. Skyrim Together: Multiplayer has great gameplay, beautiful Skyrim scenery, and above all, you get to play with friends that you know and trust.