Automatable Jobs: 50 Entry-Level Positions, Salaries from $40K

Automation and artificial intelligence are reshaping industries and professions. This introduction explores their implications across different sectors, from manufacturing to customer service. The wave of automation is unstoppable.

Explore the impact of automation on jobs and learn how to seize new opportunities while addressing concerns about job displacement. Start building a prosperous future in automation with strategies for career sustainability.


What are Automatable Jobs and Are They Worth Pursuing?

With technology advancing rapidly, the automation of certain jobs, particularly those in automated intelligence, has become a hot topic. 

As tasks that used to be done by humans can now be automated through intelligent systems, there is growing interest and concern about the future of these roles in the automated intelligence jobs sector.

The question arises: are these automatable jobs worth pursuing? While the answer may vary depending on individual circumstances and perspectives, it is crucial to consider several key factors.


Consider these factors when evaluating Automatable jobs for 2024:

Level of Routine and Repetitive Tasks

When considering job automation, the level of routine and repetitive tasks is vital. Jobs with predictable activities that can be easily standardized are more likely to be automated.

Level of Technological Advancement

The level of technological advancement in an industry affects the rate of job automation. 


Industries that have embraced automation technologies may see higher rates of job automation compared to slower adopters.

Complexity and Adaptability

Jobs that require problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity are less likely to be automated. 

These roles rely on human intuition, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal skills that machines cannot replicate.

Cost-Effectiveness of Automation

When considering automatable jobs, the cost-effectiveness of automation is crucial. 

Implementing automation may require upfront investments in infrastructure and training, but it can lead to substantial productivity gains in jobs with high labor costs.

What Skills Do You Need to Survive in this Sector?

In an era where automation is rapidly reshaping the job market, it is crucial to acquire skills that are in high demand and not easily replaceable by machines. 

Becoming an automation engineer, a role at the forefront of this technological advancement, equips individuals with the expertise to not only understand but also to design and maintain systems that are transforming industries.

While certain jobs may be susceptible to automation, there are specific skills that can empower individuals to thrive and maintain their value in this ever-evolving sector.

Below are the skills you need to survive and improve your career in automation jobs:

  • Adaptability is a valuable skill in today’s fast-paced world. Being open to learning new tools, processes, and technologies like AI is essential for success.
  • Critical thinking is crucial in an automated world. With automation handling repetitive tasks, humans must excel in problem-solving and decision-making. Analyzing complex situations, evaluating perspectives, and making informed judgments are invaluable skills to navigate the challenges ahead.
  • Creativity is a valuable skill that cannot be replicated by machines. It involves thinking outside the box, generating innovative ideas, and creating compelling content or solutions. This makes creative thinkers indispensable in various fields, such as marketing campaigns and strategy development.
  • Strong interpersonal skills are vital across all industries. Machines excel at tasks but lack human connection and emotional intelligence. Building relationships with clients, colleagues, and stakeholders is crucial for effective communication and collaboration.

Top 50 Entry-Level Positions for Automatable Jobs in 2024

In 2024, automation will continue to reshape the job market, creating new opportunities for entry-level positions. 

As technology advances, certain roles become increasingly automatable, allowing beginners to enter the workforce in these exciting fields.

Below is a list of the top 50 entry-level automatable jobs in 2024, along with their average salaries of $40K or higher:

  • Data Entry Specialist
  • Customer Service Representative
  • Administrative Assistant
  • Content Moderator
  • Social Media Manager
  • Virtual Assistant
  • Research Assistant
  • Sales Associate
  • Copywriter
  • Graphic Designer
  • Video Editor
  • Email Marketing Specialist
  • SEO Analyst
  • Market Research Analyst
  • E-commerce Specialist
  • Web Developer
  • Software Tester
  • IT Support Technician
  • Network Administrator
  • Database Administrator
  • Business Analyst
  • Financial Analyst
  • Human Resources Coordinator
  • Event Planner
  • Logistics Coordinator
  • Project Coordinator
  • Quality Assurance Technician
  • Purchasing Assistant
  • Inventory Control Clerk
  • Accounting Clerk
  • Healthcare Billing Specialist
  • Medical Transcriptionist
  • Pharmacy Technician
  • Legal Assistant
  • Real Estate Agent
  • Travel Agent
  • Court Reporter
  • Event Coordinator
  • Public Relations Assistant
  • Marketing Coordinator
  • Media Planner
  • Customer Success Manager
  • Insurance Claims Processor
  • Tax Preparer
  • Bookkeeper
  • Data Analyst
  • Research Associate
  • Technical Writer
  • Social Media Coordinator
  • Content Writer

Please note that the salaries of each job mentioned above are approximate and can vary based on factors such as location and company size.

Entry-level automation jobs offer a strong start for beginners entering industries that prioritize automation and technology-driven processes.

How To Get A Job: Steps in Applying for Automatable Jobs

When it comes to applying for automatable jobs, such as those in the field of automation development, it is crucial to approach the process strategically and follow a well-defined set of steps.

Stand out from the competition and capture employers’ attention with our step-by-step guide to navigating the application process.

1. Research and Identify Suitable Automatable Jobs:

Start by researching and identifying job positions that are suitable for automation. Look for industries or roles that are experiencing automation trends, such as manufacturing, logistics, or customer service.

How to Identify the Best for You?

When identifying suitable automatable jobs, there are several factors to consider. Here are some tips to help you with your research:

  1. Repetitive Tasks: Look for jobs that involve a high degree of repetition. These tasks can often be automated more easily as they follow a set pattern or process.
  2. Rule-Based decision-making: Identify jobs that require rule-based decision-making. If a job involves following specific guidelines or algorithms, it may be a good candidate for automation.
  3. Data-Driven Tasks: Consider jobs that heavily rely on data analysis and processing. Automation can streamline these tasks by quickly analyzing large volumes of data and generating insights.
  4. Predictable Outcomes: Jobs with predictable outcomes are often suitable for automation. If the job follows a clear set of steps and has consistent results, it may be possible to automate the process.
  5. Time-Consuming Tasks: Look for jobs that consume a significant amount of time but don’t necessarily require complex human judgment. Automating these tasks can free up valuable time for employees to focus on more strategic or creative work.

2. Update Your Resume and Cover Letter

Tailor your resume and cover letter to highlight your relevant skills and experience as an automation specialist. 

Emphasize any certifications or training you have received in automation technologies or programming languages, showcasing your expertise in this field.

Your Resume

Upgrade your resume by focusing on key elements that will make it stand out. Incorporate these points to set yourself apart from the competition:

  • Format Your Resume for Clarity: Use bullet points, headings, and subheadings to organize information.
  • Customize Your Resume for Each Job: Align your skills and experiences with the position’s requirements.
  • Showcase your achievements by emphasizing quantifiable results instead of just listing responsibilities. This will demonstrate the tangible impact you have made in previous roles.
  • Highlight your relevant skills throughout your resume to showcase what employers are looking for in your industry.
  • Include industry-specific keywords naturally in your resume to ensure it gets noticed by the employer’s applicant tracking systems (ATS).
  • A professional summary or objective statement at the start of your resume gives a brief snapshot of your skills and value to potential employers.
  • Ensure your resume’s contact information is up to date, including phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile URL if applicable.
  • Proofreading your resume is crucial because even small errors can harm your chances with potential employers. Take the time to review it thoroughly before submitting it.

Your Cover Letter

Upgrade your cover letter with these crucial elements to outshine the competition:

  • Personalized cover letters make a strong impression. Addressing the hiring manager by name and mentioning the specific company or position shows genuine interest and research.
  • Create a strong opening that captivates the reader. Use an anecdote or statistic to grab their attention and highlight your skills, experiences, or achievements.
  • Organize your cover letter for easy reading. Use short paragraphs or bullet points to highlight key information, making it easier for hiring managers to skim through.
  • Differentiate yourself from competitors by highlighting your unique value. Clearly convey why you’re the ideal match for the role, emphasizing relevant achievements, skills, and qualifications.
  • Express genuine enthusiasm and passion for the opportunity, highlighting how your skills and experiences align perfectly with both the position and company culture.
  • Confidently address any employment history concerns in your cover letter. Explain relevant circumstances and highlight transferable skills gained during those periods.

3. Prepare a Portfolio of Automation Projects

To showcase your expertise as an automation technologist in process automation, create a portfolio highlighting your hands-on experience. 

Include detailed project descriptions, technologies utilized, and achieved outcomes to demonstrate your proficiency in this field.

Examples of a Portfolio of Automation Projects:

1. Inventory Management System

  • Developed an automated inventory management system for a retail company.
  • Integrated barcode scanning technology and real-time data synchronization.
  • Reduced manual errors, improved accuracy, and optimized inventory control.

2. Customer Service Chatbot

  • Implemented an AI-powered chatbot for a telecommunications company.
  • Programmed the chatbot to handle frequently asked questions and provide instant responses.
  • This resulted in reduced customer wait time, increased customer satisfaction, and cost savings for the company.

3. Financial Reporting Automation

  • Created an automated financial reporting system for a multinational corporation.
  • Automated data extraction from various sources and generated comprehensive financial reports.

4. Network with Professionals in the Field

Networking plays a crucial role in finding automatable job opportunities. Attend industry events, join online communities or forums related to automation, and connect with professionals who can provide insights into potential job openings.

5. Search Online Job Platforms

Utilize online job platforms that specialize in automatable jobs or feature companies known for their automation initiatives.

When it comes to finding reputable online job platforms that offer automable jobs, there are several options available. 

Here is a curated list of the top 5 platforms known for their reliability and reputation in the industry:

  • Upwork is a leading global freelancing platform that offers automable job opportunities. Its user-friendly interface and robust vetting process ensure suitable matches for both employers and freelancers.
  • Freelancer offers a wide range of automable job listings, including programming, web development, graphic design, and digital marketing. It’s a popular platform with diverse skill sets for automated tasks.
  • Fiverr is a popular freelance marketplace offering a wide range of automation gigs, such as chatbot creation, data entry automation, and social media scheduling tool setup.
  • Guru is renowned for its curated freelance talent specializing in automation-related jobs like process optimization, workflow management systems setup, and software integration.
  • Choose Toptal for top-tier talent in automation technology and software development. Their exclusive platform screens freelancers rigorously, guaranteeing the best professionals for automable jobs.

6. Tailor Your Application Materials

Customize your application materials based on each specific job posting’s requirements and qualifications mentioned by employers. 

Highlight how your skills align with their needs and showcase any relevant achievements related to automation.

7. Follow Up on Your Applications

After submitting your application materials, don’t forget to follow up with employers after a reasonable amount of time has passed (usually one to two weeks). 

Send a polite email expressing your continued interest in the position while requesting an update on the hiring process.

Final Thoughts

The job market in 2024 will undergo a major shift due to advancing automation. Entry-level automation jobs may rise, but certain roles will be displaced.

To stay relevant in an automated world, embrace technology as a tool for productivity. Upskill and reskill to succeed in the job landscape of 2024 and beyond.